Thursday, May 28, 2020

How water can create art!

Sure water can be used to drink out of, but did you know that It can be used Io make art? That's why I'm here to show you how It makes the art!

So you know gravity right? How It pulls things down to the ground, It's basically about how the gravity works around water. 

First, you get the water In any type of bucket, the bigger the more of a chance that the camera will get It. Then, you will need to collect water till have the bucket Is half full(or empty). 

After that, you get the camera ready In a position you like It In, then either set a timer on It then quickly throw It or get a family member to take a photo to help make It easier.

Now for the camera man If one of you're family members are doing this, you will have to count down from three, two, one GO! Then the person with the bucket of water will throw It and you will have to follow where the water flows and then when you are ready take the photo and check It.

 If you don't like the photo you can delete It and do It again over and over again till you love the photo that you created. And here are some of my ones I did and I hope you like them. And tell me you're favourite one! my one is the second to last one!

Friday, May 8, 2020

The mysterious egg

When I was going to the chicken coop to collect our three eggs as usual, we found a really weird type of egg. We wondered if it would taste the same or If the inside would be different.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

My cat

You know cats, right? they go hunting then they bring them inside whether it's a bird, a mouse or a rat! so my cat didn't just catch a mouse he took out the stomach!

My cat's act like there really nice and sweet, but really there murderers. Most days our cats bring in birds and mice and rats but this one was a mouse, and it was very gross to see this put the cat pulled the organs out of the mouse and it stained some cardboard luckily not the carpet. And you could even see the bones on the inside and all the intestines. Here's a photo. And this is the cat that killed the mouse.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Dog Walking

Dog Walking

We usually have a house job roster and one of those jobs are walking the dogs, so this is the route I take.

So first I open the gate that we have to let the dogs out. We started walking to my bus stop, but we have cars and trucks driving through the road and I'm not that fine with Buddy so I keep him on the lead, same with Gus. I start walking there and when I get there I turn the corner into the river walk. After I got in I let the dogs off the lead and they'd play for about 20-30 minutes or even an hour if it's beautiful weather. When I take the leads off the dogs and go down to the rocks I start looking for some flat, round, and smooth rocks to skim. I start trying to skim the rock to the other side of the river but Iv'e only gotten it to the other side twice. Then I go back home but now we usually have two people taking the dogs.

Here are some photos.
